Coding Pathways

Adam Smith


Coding Pathways

Kickstart your coding journey, create your very own project portfolio and stand out today! 

Program Overview

We believe in the transformative power of computing and its potential to change the world. Our program is therefore designed to enable our to be at the forefront of this change. To that end, Deltaschool Code graduates are:

  1. Better Problem Solvers:

Our coding program hones analytical skills and systematic thinking, enabling students to confidently tackle challenges. They develop the aptitude to deconstruct tasks methodically, strengthening their problem-solving abilities for real-world situations.

  1. Stronger University Applicants:

Mastering coding gives students a competitive edge in university applications, showcasing adaptability and critical thinking. Proficiency in programming sets them apart as forward-looking candidates prepared to excel in a technology-driven academic environment.

  1. More confident innovators

Our comprehensive coding curriculum nurtures confident innovators who don't just code – they create. Students gain the confidence and skills to approach problems creatively, generating unique solutions that position them as future-oriented individuals poised for success.

Program Pathways: Students may pursue multiple pathways:

  1. Web Development

Students create dynamic websites and web applications that captivate users and shape the digital landscape.

  1. Data Science

Uncover insights from raw data, master the art of analysis and visualization, and drive business decisions.

  1. Game Development

Bring captivating universes to life in a world where imagination meets cutting-edge technology.

What will you get?

1-1 Mentorship Hours

Students completing the final courses of their pathways will receive dedicated 1:1 mentorship hours with their tutors. This support will assist them in formulating and completing their pathway projects.

Pathway Project

A technically challenging 4-week project with personalized 1:1 mentorship. The project will allow the student to apply their skills to a fully functioning self-made project. This project will be a great addition to the student's university application profile, further shaping their ‘Delta’ factor.

Case Study Milestone

Students who complete foundation courses will engage in a Case Study component during the final 3 weeks of their courses. This Case Study will allow students to apply their newly acquired skills to solve real-world problems, reflect on their progress and receive crucial feedback as they test their understanding of what has been taught so far.

Letter of Recommendation

All students will have the opportunity to obtain personalized letters of recommendation from their mentors.

Certificate of Mastery

Students will receive comprehensive transcripts, feedback, and a detailed breakdown of their coursework. The Certificate of Mastery can be used to showcase the student's skills to universities and potential career opportunities.

Deltaschool Network Membership

Alumni will gain access to the vibrant Deltaschool Network on Discord—an engaged community comprising alumni, mentors, content developers, and industry leaders. This resource-rich network can further nurture students’ academic and career aspirations.

Program Timeline:

  1. Students get onboarded and registered. They select their primary pathway as well as the first course they intend to take

  2. Students join the first course and complete it. 

  3. Students are then invited to take the following courses.

  4. Once all pathways courses as well as the pathway project are completed, the student receives the transcripts, certificate of mastery, as well as the letter of recommendation.

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